PIN: 9498-64-3315

First Name: Laura
Last Name: Lloyd
Legal description: LT 142 LAGRANGE SEC 14 PT 5 6504 BONNIE BELL LANE
Address: 6504 Bonnie Bell Lane - ASSESSMENT

You will need to call the PWC Assessment Department at (910) 223-4106 or (910) 223-4134 to obtain current pay off information regarding the above referenced parcel.

This data is being provided solely for informational purposes. The total balance due may not reflect additional accrued interest, adjustments or non-posted payments. For more accurate results, please search by both OLD and NEW parcel ID. To confirm an assessment status and payment amounts, please contact the Public Works Commission Assessment Department at (910) 223-4106 or (910) 223-4134.

Assessments are the property owner’s portion of the cost of the utility installation and improvements impacting your property. Assessments are liens that are attached to the property, NOT to the owners of the property. A lien is the right to take or hold or sell the property of a debtor as security or payment for a debt. Assessment bills are sent annually over a period of 10 years. The assessment is separate from cost associated with the connection to the system which is the responsibility of the property owner. For information about connecting to utility services for this property, please contact PWC at (910) 223-4600.